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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Sam 6 Fév 2021 12:30 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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Voilà, j'ai reçu mon édition limitée mercredi ^_^ Bon timing : The Seven Deady Sins s'achève en France au moment où Four Knights débute au Japon !

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Sam 6 Fév 2021 16:40 
35 000 000 Berrys
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Inscription: 30 Juil 2013
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Enfin la fin de cette série, j'ai tellement évité les différents sites et sujets de discussion pour ne pas me faire divulgacher

L'édition Collector avec le petit artbook est vraiment bien sympa, et j'ai bien aimé cette fin, elle reste ouverte (sauf au niveau de l'antagonisme vu qu'il n'y en a plus trop sur le moment) tout en résolvant pas mal de choses (même s'il peut rester encore pas mal de choses à raconter, en particulier la rencontre entre Eli et Meliodas)

 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Mar 23 Fév 2021 09:09 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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Petite opération japonaise avec les 24 premiers tomes en lecture gratuite sur Pocket Shonen Magazine :
https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episo ... 0029113054

La chose plus intéressante pour nous, c'est qu'une interview de Suzuki est publiée en même temps, revenant sur son allergie à tout ce qui est numérique (en dehors des jeux vidéo) :
https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/artic ... u_20210223

Google Trad :

The hit work "The Seven Deadly Sins", which has a cumulative total of over 37 million copies, was completed in March 2020 and has been serialized for about eight years. In "Magazine Pocket", 24 volumes of this work will be free from February 23 (Tuesday). The author has been proclaiming "I hate electronic" for some time, but why did you decide to make 24 volumes free of charge this time? We conducted an interview with Nakaba Suzuki, the author of "The Seven Deadly Sins" to learn about the changes in his mind!

What is the change in the mindset of the author of "I hate electronic" due to the corona virus?

- I heard that you will be freeing 24 volumes of the electronic version of "The Seven Deadly Sins" this time, but it seems that you have hardly done a free electronic version campaign so far.

Suzuki sensei:
Okay. I had a strong desire to read in a paper book and to take good care of the paper bookstore, so I wasn't very enthusiastic about making the electronic version free of charge.
The electronic version of the book itself has been released, but I asked for the release date of the new book to be one month later than the paper book. You might be called an analog person, but I grew up reading manga on paper, so I have a strong feeling for it. Besides, I don't do the internet at all.

- It's amazing that you don't do the internet at all! I heard that the teacher "dislikes electronics" ...

Suzuki sensei:
I can't do anything with a computer or smartphone (laughs). I've been drawing manga since I moved to Tokyo from Fukushima as a teenager, so I haven't had a chance to touch such things.
I really like games, but PS4 is also played by myself without being connected to the internet. A long time ago, there was a bug in the initial shipment of a game and I could not proceed, it seems that it was fixed on the Internet, but my PS4 is not connected to the Internet, so I can not proceed forever from there Sometimes it's gone (laughs).

- How do you interact with the editor in charge?

Suzuki sensei:
The basics are telephones. I can't use email either. Oh, but I use fax! I used to invite a writer who I became friends with at the magazine's year-end party to drink, but I don't have an email address, so I was very surprised when I called suddenly (laughs). Today's people don't make phone calls suddenly.

--Have you ever thought about using a computer or smartphone?

Suzuki sensei:
There isn't! (Laughs) I don't think there will be any in the future. Of course, the manga manuscripts are also drawn in analog, and the manga materials are all paper books.
It is sometimes recommended that e-books are not bulky, but I prefer to put paper books on the shelves. Therefore, just as the "Seven Deadly Sins" are lined up on the shelves, the spine has illustrations that are connected across the rolls. At first, I was thinking, "What if this is the end of the process ..." (laughs).

- You have a strong passion for paper, don't you?

Suzuki sensei:
I think that many people can read manga on their smartphones now, but can they read it properly on a small screen? Sometimes I think.
I don't want the electronic version to be released at all, but if possible, I would like you to read it in the size of a paper book. Besides, when it comes to paper, I sometimes read it back. I think that is also a good point of paper.
Above all, I've always loved paper bookstores, and I have a strong desire to take good care of them. Isn't the paper bookstore crushed right now? Of course, I'm glad that you can read it in the electronic version, but I can't help but want you to buy it at a paper bookstore. This time, I decided to make it free, but that feeling is still strong.

- What made you decide to make "The Seven Deadly Sins" free of charge this time?

Suzuki sensei:
It was also Corona. Right now, I can hardly go out and go out for my favorite drink, but there are people who are suffering even more in this situation, and the medical staff who are making great efforts There are also people. Or maybe you can't go out and buy manga. Under such circumstances, I wondered if it would be okay to do it only now if it would help you to spend your time at home.
I don't think I will continue to read manga in electronic version. However, I also know that young people are accustomed to reading on smartphones, so this is the situation, and smartphones and ... computers? But can you read it? If you read it, I think that's fine. And I think it would be even better if it helps to survive this corona wreck.

- I see. Thank you very much. Finally, do you have a message for your readers?

Suzuki sensei:
I think many people are having a hard time. I just finished the serialization, and at the timing when I thought "OK, I'll stretch my wings!", Corona became popular, and the new serialization started without being able to go out, but the situation is even more difficult. I think there are some. At such times, I hope that reading manga will make you feel better and help you as much as possible. Let's all get through this situation!
Also, from January of this year, the sequel to "The Seven Deadly Sins", "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," began in "Weekly Shonen Magazine." I hope you will read that as well.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Mar 2 Mar 2021 22:38 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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Info du jour, le nouveau Japan Live HS est consacré à Seven Deadly Sins, avec une interview de Suzuki réalisée pour l'occasion.
En vente en kiosques, supermarchés et évidemment librairies. Certains du fandom l'ont déjà acheté !

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Jeu 4 Mar 2021 08:13 
The old man
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Annoncée il y a un an, la figurine de Déesse Elizabeth sera en prévente à partir du 5 mars :

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Ven 5 Mar 2021 02:14 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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J'ai donc acheté le magazine aujourd'hui : 68 pages à la gloire de Seven Deadly Sins ^_^
Outre les posters, nous avons droit à plusieurs illustrations et planches publiées en pleine page : voir certaines célèbres pages emblématiques au format A4 en jette pas mal^^
Je n'ai pas encore tout lu, mais ça me rappelle les hors séries sur Dragon Ball de mon adolescence - bon en vrai c'est banal, mais comme cela fait très longtemps que je n'avais pas acheté ce genre de magazine, il y a un côté nostalgie assez fort pour moi^^
Sur le contenu : présentation du manga, analyse sur les arcs et la fin, les références, les personnages, les spin-offs, portrait et interview de Suzuki, des petites fiches sur Kongoh Bancho et Blizzard Axel, une partie sur l'animé et les produits dérivées, et enfin le dessin de Diane réalisé par Reno Lemaire (c'était donc pour ce hors-série).
J'ai lu pour le moment le portrait et l'interview de Suzuki, et les petites anecdotes sont toujours sympas, ainsi que les révélations sur certains choix (comme quoi Suzuki avait imaginé faire mourir deux autres personnages, mais après en avoir discuté avec son éditeur... ils l'ont échappé belle !).

Pour la curiosité, le top 5 des tomes de la rédaction :
1. Tome 13 (conclusion du premier arc)
2. Tome 41 (la fin car on verse sa larme et on nous tease la suite)
3. Tome 28 (charnière avec la révélation de la malédiction, la folie de Diane, l'éveil d'Elaine, le combat Escanor Vs Meliodas, etc.)
4. Tome 19 (entrée en scène d'Escanor)
5. Tome 39 (l'ultime combat des Sins sous leurs formes finales)

Plus qu'à lire toutes les parties ^_^

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Mar 23 Mar 2021 14:34 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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J'ai terminé (il y a quelques temps déjà^^) de lire le magazine, et c'était assez complet et sympa. Bon évidemment pour les fans hardcore on n'apprend pas forcément grand chose, mais les commentaires de Suzuki sont toujours intéressants afin de clarifier certains points.

Sinon, au Japon, ils sortent quelques produits dérivés de luxe en ce moment :

Des montres Seven Deadly Sins, ça vous intéresse ? ^_^
La marque en a également fait avec les licences Attaque des Titans et Saint Seiya :

Après les montres, les bijoux ! GINTOKI (Accessory Series Pierre précieuse) annonce une collection de 8 bijoux. Un par Sin + Elizabeth.

Le premier est un collier coeur, qui fait référence à Gowther. Prix : 13 200 Yens.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Mar 23 Mar 2021 20:18 
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Inscription: 10 Juin 2011
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Et voilà, j'ai enfin pris le temps de m'acheter le tome 41 !

Seven Deadly Sins c'est donc fini. Encore une série que j'ai commencé au début de mon lycée ce termine, alors que maintenant je fini mes études, le temps passe vite ^^ 
La dernière partie du manga ne m'a pas autant transporté que le début, mais l'oeuvre restera un classique pour moi. J'ai hate de voir ce que Suzuki nous reserve ensuite.
Je dis donc aurevoir à ange bleu Meliodas et sa joyeuse bande, c'était un plaisir pendant toutes ses années ! :)

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Pseudo habituelle : Hakido

 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Jeu 22 Avr 2021 08:20 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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Après, le nouveau FanBook, Elizabeth: Bunny Ver. chez Good Smile Company :
https://goodsmileshop.com/en/CATEGORY-R ... E_WD_00406

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Mer 28 Avr 2021 09:05 
The old man
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Après le collier coeur de Gowther, la boucle d'oreille / pendentif de Merlin :

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Mar 18 Mai 2021 00:15 
The old man
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C'est aujourd'hui qu'est sorti le fanbook : Nanatsu no Taizai: Character Directory - Britannia Chivalry Legends

Résumé des informations données par SpaceFuckingBoy :

All the Commandments are revealed:
Piety: Anyone who shows their back to the wielder becomes a servant of the Demon King.
Love: Anyone who feels hatred becomes unable to fight
Silence: Anyone who expresses hidden feelings or emotions is rendered unable to speak
Purity: Anyone who commits impur acts suffers from disease
Patience: Anyone who shows intolerance to pain is inflicted with additional pain
Repose: Anyone who fights without rest sees his magic sealed
Pacifism: Anyone who kills has his time stolen and ages instantly until the age of his death
Faith: Anyone who betray their beliefs have burnt eyes
Truth: Anyone who lies turns into a stone statue. Only conscious lies are subject to the curse
Altruism: Anyone who desires a person loses his memories and emotions

Suzuki confirms that the members of The Seven Deadly Sins except Escanor will inevitably appear in the Four Knights sequel.
Regarding the children, he confirms that King and Diane's child will appear. He also adds that it would be interesting to have a character with a lot of children.

informations données par FKS :
https://old.reddit.com/r/NanatsunoTaiza ... tannia_no/

Some more info: Rou (I prefer Lowe) is 29 years old. Demon Gowther is 460 years old. Aranak is the one with the circling mustache while Zeno is a puppet-like midget. You know what's funny about the Demon King? His stats are unknown. Chandler, Cusack and therefore the First Demon are 6000 years old. Ludociel is also 6000 while Sariel and Tarmiel are 5000 and Mael is 3500. Nerobasta is 3700 and Jelamet is 3300. Nanashi is 3500. Jenna and Zaneri are both 1800. (Oh please, Nakaba.) Oslo is 2700.

About Wild: 300cm long, 180cm high, other stats unknown.

We're coming to the children we've seen so far.

Tristan is born on May 2nd, is 140cm tall, weighs 30kg. His bloodtype is AB and his dominant hand is both. He is also a nephilim.

Lancelot is born on April 29th, is 138cm tall, weighs 30kg. His bloodtype is B and his dominant hand is the right one. He is half Fairy half human.

Percival's bloodtype is O and his dominant hand is the right one.

Regarding the age of Chandler and Cusack, for the Ten Commandments their sealed time was not counted in their age, which makes sense. So the 6000 years of Chandler and Cusack must be at the time of the end of the Holy War (so they would be 9000 years old if they had not been sealed).

And we finally have the identification of the two old TC:
- Aranak (mustached), commandment of Repose
- Zeno (puppet), commandment of Patience

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Ven 4 Juin 2021 22:52 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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Good Smile a dévoilé ses prochaines figurines, et il y a 3 POP UP PARADE de 7DS :

Un buste de Ban :

Une nouvelle collection de T-shirts :

Suzuki a mis à jour son blog avec quelques croquis de chapitre et de end card (beaucoup de Hawk ^_^) :

Et Elaine, toujours indémodable :

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Jeu 1 Juil 2021 20:18 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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C'est sans surprise, mais c'est bien d'avoir la date :

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Ven 16 Juil 2021 20:35 
The old man
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Section de questions-réponses du livre exclusif "Cursed by Light: Curtain Call" :
Source: https://mangahelpers.com/forum/threads/ ... st-5534233
Info + Translation by FKS.

Q1: (Suzutti-san) Why does Meliodas's armor have the Goddesses' crest?
A: It's to make himself aware of Elizabeth.

Q2: (Resio-san of the combatant tribe) Tell me why Zeldris's sword has the Goddesses' crest!
A: He received it from Meliodas!!

Q3: (Koshiba Rinne-san) Who is the most doting parent between Meliodas, Ban and King?
A: All of them are, equally.

Q4: (Kotti-san) Who crafted Diane's wedding gown?
A: King did with love!

Q5: (Chanruu-san) Do Goddesses and Fairies ever get tired of flying with their wings?
A: It feels like walking or running for humans.

Q6: (Kaji Yuuki-san) To Suzuki Nakaba-sensei: I like Hawk, and also Wild. Both of them have the four-leaf clover mark on them... Apart from them, does Meliodas's partner that possess that characteristic exist? Can they speak the human language?
A: Hawk is the reincarnation of Wandle and was born in Purgatory! Only Hawk can speak it properly, because he's a strange creature of Purgatory.

Q7: (Pomupomu-san) Baccho-sensei, is there a scene or line that moved you?
A: I say this after drawing it but it's the part with Ban and Zhivago.

Q8: (RAIN@Nekokuma-san) Which character do you have the most trouble moving around?
A: Escanor. Because he's too strong.

Q9: (Kudou Miria-san) Which character do you dislike the most?
A: Kay, Arthur's adoptive brother. He has no good side to him right now?

Q10: (Tartar-san) How do you come up with kanji or ateji for the magics?
A: I play a stare-out game with the dictionary. (Laughs)

Q11: (Tenashi-san) I like the fact that there are a lot of dakutens [basically voiced consonants] in female characters' names, are you conscious about it when you give names?
A: Now that you tell me about it, I just noticed it. (Laughs) So you like the fact that there are a lot of dakutens in them...
[TN: What about the masculine ones? There are a lot of dakutens in them too. Meliodas, Ban, King, Bartra, Gowther, Zhivago....]

Q12: (Magnum Revolver-san) Are Meliodas and the others planned to appear in "Four Knights of the Apocalypse"?
A: They definitely will someday.

Q13: (Mae7ia.-san) Are you planning to visit Brittany (the cradle of the Arthurian legend) in France someday?
A: I want to go to the signing event I had planned to!!

Q14: (Pink Ball-san) Of the sins, which one are you committing?
A: Let's see... "Sloth" probably.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Seven Deadly Sins
MessagePosté: Dim 10 Oct 2021 10:44 
The old man
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Inscription: 05 Jan 2004
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Aujourd'hui 10 octobre, 7DS fête ses neuf ans !
Mich a fait cette semaine une série d'illustrations sur le manga qui me semble appropriée à l'occasion :

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